Own Nothing, Owe Everything

Another critique on capitalism. I Hope everyone has been getting through these dark winter months unscathed, deprived from the light and warmth can do a lot of harm to some. Maybe this is why my mind turns to darker themes, like living in a world we can not change fast enough. It’s chaos. and I at least want to talk about it but I ain’t so good at talking and such. so I turn to art.

I’ve always been intrigued with Monopoly. A fun game until it isn’t, Kind of like life. I remember in my youth learning that the Monopoly board game was originally created as ‘The Landlord’s Game’ by Lizzie Magie in 1904. Magie’s intent was to highlight the dangers of unchecked capitalism and monopolies. Ironically, the game evolved into a celebration of capitalist dominance, teaching generations to bankrupt their opponents and seize control of the board. The end is where the game starts to create such inequality it’s like comparing Mark Zuckerberg to myself. You begin to sell off your assets, being left with your cash and dick in hand. Your opponents don’t give a shit about you. You go around the board, dodging landmines that would send you into a negative loss, ending your existence in the game.
it is an unsettling trajectory we are on. As an artist, I want to do what I can to just make people aware of what the hell is going on. I want to challenge those who encounter these kinds of stickers to think about the structures that perpetuate inequality. the evolving economic landscape, where corporate monopolies dominate industries, housing prices soar beyond affordability, and debts — from student loans to credit cards — chain individuals to financial servitude. The Tech giants control information flows, The pharmaceutical companies set life-altering drug prices, and The real estate conglomerates turn housing into speculative investments. These monopolies extract wealth from everyday people, leading to widespread debt and a loss of personal agency. Listen, I’m all for people working hard and being rewarded, I’m just focused more on the entities that see profits soar beyond the hundreds of millions for their shareholders.

This sticker takes the message back to it’s roots, critiquing the same economic structures Magie warned against. The phrase ‘Own Nothing, Owe Everything’ feels eerily prophetic in a world where rising living costs and stagnant wages have created an environment where ownership is increasingly out of reach for many. It encourages conversation and invites critical thought about the world we inhabit. Stickers are the raddest form of grassroots communication, accessible and easily shareable, making them a powerful tool for spreading messages.

all I, and many other artists, can hope for is that our work pushes viewers to question the authorities at large. Is this the world we want to live in? How can we reclaim financial independence and challenge the systems that perpetuate inequality? For those who resonate with the message, it’s a symbol of awareness and resistance against a system that often feels rigged. Keep on rocking in the free world. My Next post will be just as boring as this one so make sure to subscribe to the mailing list. Until next time, keep looking up!