NASA UAP Study Team


6 in stock

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The NASA Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Team was a panel of sixteen experts assembled in 2022 by NASA and chaired by David Spergel to recommend a roadmap for the analysis of UAPs by NASA and other organizations. It was later dissolved in 2023, concluding that no evidence was found that extra-terrestrial life was responsible for the unexplained phenomena of UAP sightings. Or so they say.

I included 16 orbs to represent the 16 assembled experts.

Way cool to revamp their logo!

Waterproof, Weatherproof & Dishwasher Safe

Great for bumpers, laptops, all sorts of boards and anywhere you want to recklessly zap some art!

Designed by Sean @ The Local Sticker Shop in Winnipeg, MB

Matte finish

3” x 3”